
Ha, just a bone to throw to all the geeks out there. Trust me, I should know. And may I present to you, the latest member of the Geek Squad!

Geek Squad sitsGeek Squad in action

Just when I was starting to doubt the whole Founder-of-the-Geek-Squad post, the T-shirt arrived. JC was thrilled beyond words. He said “I can’t believe Robert Stephens would choose me to be a member of the Geek Squad!” Which just goes to show he doesn’t have any idea what a geek is, or how much of one his mother used to be still probably is.

But here is evidence I took the rest of them to the park as well. I felt a little guilty in the morning when I drove by a park and heard the following conversation:

Jack: “Mom, can we go to the park?”
Colleen: “No, we can’t, Jack, it’s too windy.

So here they are. Everyone got to run and climb and swing. (Except Tom, but he got to drink their lemonade when they weren’t looking.) And I knitted a little.

Swingers at the park

I worked on the Gryffindor beanie. I wasn’t happy with the sloppy way I had been carrying the colors up the inside, and I decided to frog it back. Then I looked at the needles I had in the project bag and realized I had forgotten to switch to the larger needles anyway. Two reasons to frog. So I pulled everything out until there was one row of gold stitches peeping out above the burgundy ribbing and I thought, Perfect! Can’t miss those stitches. (This turned out to be an Excellent Idea.)

Then I started putting live stitches back on a needle. Got about a dozen on before I saw I was putting then back on the smaller circ again. Took them off and managed to get them on the correct needle this time. I had a feeling they were all twisted, but I just wanted them all to be going the same way. And when I knit them up I realized, yes, they were all twisted and no, it wasn’t going to make any difference at all to anyone but me.

I’m not 100 percent pleased with the way I’m carrying the yarn up now, but I’m doing much better and I won’t have to weave those ends in. So I’m learning something.

After everyone was in bed I trimmed all the T-shirt panels for the quilt. I have one more panel to make, but since I’m machine appliqueing a sweatshirt panel to a background made of the sashing fabric, it’s not shown here (because I haven’t done it yet, that’s why, long story).

T-shirt quilt panels

Then I proceeded to make the stitch markers for my Hogwarts Sock Swap pal. They came out OK, but then I took four pictures of them that are far too terrible to post. How do you take pictures of small things with fine detail with a digital camera? I guess I haven’t figured that out yet. Maybe I need to take it from across the room, then zoom in later.

Then I looked at my comment count a little closer, and decided to subtract the comments I have made on my own blog. If everyone flurries in some comments we will still have a winner today, so go for it! I will send #200 a little treat.

And oh! The lovely Ann K. will be visiting tomorrow night to sit and knit and chat. So perhaps I should tidy up just a bit.

Published in: on April 24, 2007 at 8:42 am  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. What number am I? Lord knows, my internet is having “issues.”

  2. I love stitch markers and can’t wait to see the picture. Look at your camera and push the button with the little flower on it. That’s the macro button that will allow you to get closer to little things to photograph them.

  3. That is a great quilt idea! I take fine pictures with the macro and lots of light.

    I got your package as well! Woohoo! More yarn, and very pretty yarn as well!

  4. Does your camera have a macro setting? It’s often marked with a “flower” icon, as it is often used (at least by me!) for close-up flower photos. Works great!

  5. When you put frogged sts. back on the needle and they’re twisted – and it will be noticed 😉 – there’s an easy solution. Just knit ’em through the back of the loop as if you were twisting them; that’ll untwist them. You simply have to pay attention for that one row. I find this tends to be a lot easier than trying to make sure I’m picking up from the right direction while they’re merrily trying to run away from me before I can grab ’em. At least this works for me, because when I screw ’em up like that, I’ve usually gotten them back on the needle counter-clockwise to the direction they should be. [g]

    Although frankly, by the time I get that far, half the time I’m too fuzzy to tell if the durned things are twisted or not!

  6. Beth-

    Do you have any instructions for the t-shirt quilt? I first saw one years ago, when a friend was having one made to memorialize all her athletic teams/accomplishments through the years. Being just a rugby player, I never had enough t-shirts that didn’t get ripped to hell before I would ever THINK of putting them in a quilt, so I never had the need. But my midget is a sports nut, and even at 10 we are starting quite a collection. I figure if I start grabbing t-shirts now, she might think it’s a cool idea when she’s 20. ( I know better than to try this when she’s a teenager – sure recipe for rejection )

    Remember – I am not a quilter, so these have to be idiot-proof…(*grin*)

  7. This just made me grin – I love those pics of your son in his Geek Squad shirt 🙂

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