Could this be the one?

We looked at five houses on Saturday. Saw three, took a break at the main city park in Beaver Dam, then saw two more. Of course the last house was the one we really liked.  The others had the space, but just not enough ready-to-move-into rooms in the right proportions. Not every child is going to have their own room, but we need to find the house with not only a nice master bedroom (our current one was previously used as a guestroom/playroom for a 4 year old), but a bedroom big enough for three boys who will be pretty darn big when fully grown, plus an adequate room for our diva daughter.  Of course, Beaver Dam is still pretty far from the Wonder Job — about as far away as we’re willing to live, unless we happen to find a $50 sheep farm somewhere. So we’re still looking, mostly in closer locations. But we’ll take another look at this one, and we’re bringing some more jaundiced eyes to help us look at it critically.

In the car I did two repeats on the Irish Hiking Scarf, and spotted a cabling error a long ways back that I am not going to try to fix. But I figured out how I did it — the dpn turned over while I was knitting the other stitches, so when I knitted off the dpn those stitches were in the wrong order. It still makes a cable, but only a knitter will notice that those three stitches don’t “flow” across the others. So I decided that when I slip those stitches in the future, I’ll make sure the text on the needle is right-reading. That way I can check to see I don’t flip it again.

I also worked on the Gryffindor beret on the way up and back. Yes, I decided since I had done two thin-stripe beanies and one wide-stripe beanie it was only fair to try the girly beret. Only problem is, I started running out of yarn. Plymouth doesn’t seem to make the gold color any more, but I had enough of that for this project and was running out of the burgundy! But this morning I found the burgundy-and-pink hat I made to experiment with dpns, and JC helped me frog it this morning to harvest the yarn. He’s happy (and now realizes knitting can be for boys), and I can now finish the beret.

We didn’t get to stop at a yarn store on the way there or back, which is a real bummer because the store in Columbus should be excellent. To make up for it, Mr. Beth stopped at Herrschners on the way home and let me run in “for eight seconds.” I came out with Hufflepuff colors of Plymouth Encore worsted, plus a size 1 circ to start a sweater for myself. He actually chided me for violating the Knit From Your Stash rules, but I would argue that since it’s for a continuing charity project and not for myself, it’s okay. (Note to husband: I do NOT have seven exemptions this year. I have been on probation since January 1 so I have been extra careful.) That means he’s paying attention, ladies. He also wants me to knit an afghan for him.

But I did look — in vain — for the purple sale yarn. 😦 I would have bought it, too.

Friday night (Saturday?) I got one column of T-shirt panels sewn up with their sashing, but the other nights were a bust. So I will try again tonight.

Oh yeah — I added a few more blogs to the Blogroll. (I didn’t take anything away.) And thanks, everyone, for the comments on the stitch markers! You know, of course, that you’re encouraging me to make more. God help me if I find any sheep charms to hang from the bottom; I won’t be able to keep from cranking them out then. I don’t wear jewelry, so…..

Published in: on April 30, 2007 at 9:11 am  Comments (3)